ARTICLE: Top 5 Myths About Portable Metering - Myth #4: It’s about the portable meter

Portable metering is often used by electricians, engineers and contractors to diagnose a problem or to provide insight into some phenomenon where permanently installed meters are not available. In this series, we dispel several common myths regarding selection and application of portable metering.

Myth #4:
It’s about the portable meter.

Because the industry started with portable meters, simple PC-based software and static reports, it is tempting to focus on the meter itself as the valuable part of a portable metering solution.  In fact, much of the value of a portable metering solution is beyond the meter. The software platform that the meter connects to, as well as the advisory services that interpret the data are critically valuable parts of the system.

The power of a cloud platform to process data from a portable meter cannot be overstated. Thanks to IoT connectivity, portable meters can now leverage the same algorithms and analytics that were previously reserved for permanently installed metering via an energy management platform. As an example, with EnergyX Portable connected to AZZO’s EnergyX IoT platform, a chronic power quality issue can be decisively linked with load loss and with the location of the disturbance. The platform can also detect load recovery, even in the presence of daily load fluctuations, which allows for a mitigation solution to be designed with a concrete ROI.

The power of the IoT and cloud to unlock new levels of insights and analysis is well understood in many areas, from healthcare to transportation. The same type of transformational applications and value are now available in portable metering systems.

When evaluating a portable metering solution, inquire about capabilities of the software and what features you can access.


ARTICLE: Top 5 Myths About Portable Metering - Myth#5: Three Visits Required


ARTICLE: Top 5 Myths About Portable Metering - Myth #3: I must wait for the report